You know what? I'm actually working on a (very abstract) universe simulator. It's only a computing model at the time, implementing it on nowadays computers would be either inefficient or impossible due to the amount of space needed to simulate a universe as big as ours. At the moment, it could help analyze and understand the first moments of a brand new system, but if you want to simulate something as complex as a sentient biological individual living in a viable environment, I think you'll have to wait for the emergence of quantum computing (and still, with such computers, the problem of space would still arise). --- >you break my heart, anon. I don't need an entire universe... just her. You are telling me it will never happen? ...maybe? I mean, you can't possibly create more matter in a closed system than what's available in your universe. For your dream to come true, you'd have to find the minimal amount of energy needed for such universe to possibly emerge inside your simulator... Probably far less than our actual universe, the emergence of life here wasn't optimal after all. So, strictly speaking, it's not impossible. Just very difficult. However, this theory doesn't exclude the possibility of another universes outside ours. But then, physicists would tell you that in order to break the barriers, the geometry of this universe, you would need more energy than the total of the system. Unfortunately, you'll have to use your imagination for this one. Imagination is already quite a powerful thing, is it? Being able to see and feel something that doesn't even have a physical incarnation with so little energy compared to the whole universe is quite a chance for me... And maybe a curse too...